Peter 20th July 2018

As I watched a very special mother care for a very special Jamie I knew in a heart beat you would both would be a big part of my life. I watched as Mummy loved you kissed and cared for you, not a hair out of place and dressed just the way she liked you. We would watched and giggle at your antics as you partied through the night. God saw a special mummy and decided to give you to her to look after as he created a very special boy for a special reason. I like to think you are needed in heaven for a special reason and for the reason you have been called to do your job. As I watch the bikes on tv my will thoughts will be how you watched to and how you would grab my hand as we watched. while mummy took the time to shower and pamper her self we would put your favourite cartoon on and you would laugh and dance at the tune. Now all I can do for you is take care of your Mummy a very special girl. Where ever we are where ever we go what ever we do every day we will remember Jim Jam this I promise you. Always with us Peter